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Makers for Life - Ventilador de emergencia de código abierto
The Makair project is open-source. Contribute on Github from https://github.com/makers-for-life/makair
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Máquina de respiración Covid-19 (ventilador) Diseño
First of all i want to tell , I do not have any medical knowledge. this system consist of two low voltage dc pumps. One is for inhale and the another one is for...
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Máquina de respiración artificial
breathing machine you can use car wiper motor and car window motor the plan : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SBuUAbx5IWoYnzWg3vVrB7b8yaZ0vjuG 12v - 36v 10A D...
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OpenVent-Bristol COVID-19 ventilador de fabricación rápida BVM bolsa de la válvula máscara ambu bolsa £ 80 construir
Please see a more recent version of my design in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIKmd1mEYg4&t=28s and the published design here: https://www.instru...
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Oxford y KCL diseñan un nuevo ventilador de fuente abierta
The OxVent team, a group of engineers and medics from Oxford University and Kings College London, has been shortlisted by government to go to the next stage of...
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PREVAIL NY: JMA se une a la lucha contra COVID-19 con un diseño de ventilador de fuente abierta
Hear from Dave Jackson of JMA Wireless and Dr. John M. Callahan, MD, about the collaborative project, PREVAIL NY. JMA engineers worked with Callahan to rapidly...
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Prototype for DIY ventilator. Everything can be bought at home depot or other hardware stores. Needs a lot of refinement but proof of concept is there. Check us...
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Polonia: Los ingenieros crean un ventilador Do it yourselfimprimible en 3D para ayudar a salvar vidas
Subscribe to our channel rupt.ly/subscribe Engineers from Krakow have developed an open-source ventilator that can be reproduced by a 3D printer in order to hel...
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Propuesta de diseño del ventilador
تم تصميم هذا المقترح من قبل المهندس محمود حميد معلومات اكثر عن اجهزة التنفس الاصطناعي تجدوها في المقال التالي: http://www.uruktech.iq/covid-19/ متجر اوروكتيك: w...
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Prototipo de Oxígeno
https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-103423307962632 Join us at discord: https...
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Prototipo de prototipo de ventilador de coronavirus Covid-19 LATERAL versión corta
Our first prototype for COVID-19 Ventilator, made in Romania @Lateral lateral-inc.com halcyonmobile.com
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Prototipo de un nuevo ventilador para tratar a los pacientes con COVID-19
They say they have the technology to build a million ventilators to help fight COVID-19 in less than 71 days, now all they need is the government to get on boar...
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Prototipo de un ventilador para 100 pacientes que utiliza piezas estándar
Why make thousands of ventilators when you can make one BIG one?
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Prototipo de ventilador Do it yourself
Ventilator prototype and NOT A MEDICALLY APPROVED VENTILATOR Addressing world wide shortage due to covid-19. The objective was simple, make a ventilator only us...
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Prototipo de ventilador covidente
Basic ventilator with wiper washer motor,
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Prototipo del ventilador Jankiest Mk.II
Simple mechanical control of tidal volume, pressure, PEEP and all the stuff you guys commented on that I don't really understand.
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Prototipo en acrílico con árbol de levas y control de velocidad usando un regulador de intensidad.
https://www.instagram.com/oxygen_project_/ https://twitter.com/OxyGEN_Project_ https://www.facebook.com/Oxygen-Project-103423307962632 Join us at discord: https...
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Proyecto de ventilación Do it yourselfOpenVent - hackathon WirvsVirus contra Corona
Open source ventilator OpenVent is an idea as part of the hackathon #WirvsVirus against Corona (COVID-19) for an open source ventilator with an ambubag (bag val...
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Proyecto de ventilador Do it yourselfTrinamic
In this video, Michael and Jonathan present the Trinamic Open-Source Ventilator project. Completely open-source, it uses the TMC4671-LA and TMC6100 for controll...
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Proyecto de ventilador respiratorio de origen multitudinario
The Covid-19 crisis represents a challenge to the medical capacity of many nations, especially the United States. Specifically, medical respiratory ventilator m...
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Prueba de concepto Prototipo de ventilador
Video created 3/21/20 7:30 pm EST Uploaded 3/21/20 10:05 pm EST
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Prueba de integración del sistema del Proyecto Ventilador de Código Abierto
Video created by David Lizdas, BSME, March 27, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. EST Learn more about our Open Source Ventilator Project at https://simulation.health.ufl.edu/te...
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Prueba del prototipo de ventilador pandémico 1
The Pandemic Ventilator control system is demonstrated. The Pandemic Ventilator Project is located at panvent.blogspot.com
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Registros del ventilador mecánico (Parte 1) - Detección de la presión en una caja sellada
This is a demonstration of using a BMP180 pressure module connected to a Wemos Lolin32 OLED ESP32 to detect inhalation and exhalation. This is designed for use...
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Resolver el problema del ventilador COVID 19
Brent Regan describes the danger of pressure ventilation and offers a safe and practical solution
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Respirador Do it yourself 2 (versión mejorada)
Related videos: DIY Respirator #3 (upgrade): https://youtu.be/udzYUsiYH0k The first version of the respirator: https://youtu.be/UTQQvhdCS-Y Face Mask & Safety G...
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Respirador artificial OxyGEN fabricado con acrílico, madera, metal, etc
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Respirador, ventilador Mecánico
Respirador mecánico para ser impreso en 3D. Prototipo de sistema de compresión de un resucitador tipo Ambu, no probado, ni aprobado para uso en personas. Es un...
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Rotorlosen Ventilator mit dem 3D Drucker selber machen - do it yourself
3D Stift kaufen? www.3dsimo.com Rotorloser Ventilator aus dem 3D Drucker 8 Lifehacks die euer Leben vereinfachen https ...
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Tu teléfono puede funcionar como un ventilador de bajo costo.
Indian Health Tech - World's Cheapest Ventilator: A low-cost, user-friendly portable ventilator has made it possible for patients on long-term ventilator suppor...
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Un estudiante italiano proporciona válvulas de ventilación impresas en 3D contra el COVID-19
A heroic engineering student from northern Italy has helped the fight against COVID-19 by 3D printing valves for ventilators that are needed for patients suffer...
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Un ventilador de bajo costo que puede ser conectado a dos pacientes de COVID-19 a la vez
Developed by Aerobiosys Innovations Private Limited a Medtech startup incubated at IIT Hyderabad. Duo-Vent is a Twin turbine motor based ventilation systems tha...
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Una empresa de electrodomésticos fabrica un ventilador para pacientes con coronavirus.
British home appliances firm Gtech, which specialises in making vacuum cleaners, has made a prototype of a medical ventilator which founder Nick Grey says can b...
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Una guía para diseñar ventiladores de bajo costo para COVID-19
Be one of the first 500 people to sign up with this link and get 20% off your subscription with Brilliant.org https://brilliant.org/realengineering/ Thank you t...
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Una nueva innovación podría ayudar a resolver la escasez de ventiladores
When the coronavirus outbreak began, the NHS had access to 5,000 ventilators. A new innovation from the University of Oxford may soon be able to boost that numb...
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- homemade #ventilator
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Validación del NeoVent, un ventilador de presión no invasiva de bajo costo y baja tecnología
Organization: Advanced Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc Round 7 finalist
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Validación del diseño para la automatización de un ventilador mecánico AMBU
This is NOT A VENTILATOR, this an ultra ultra ultra rudimentary prototype to test the functionality of concept to automate a manual ventilator.This was made wit...
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VentilAid, un ventilador de fuente abierta que puede fabricarse localmente en cualquier lugar.
We believe #COVID19 pandemic will pass with minimized harm to mankind thanks to proper use of technology and solidarity in sharing knowledge. We are group of en...
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Ventilación automática Arduino
This is a Home/Flat ventilation system. Source code & schematics in: https://github.com/DyadicGit/automatic-ventilation-arduino
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